Perkins 1106D Engine E360 Low Oil Pressure Troubleshooting Guide

To troubleshoot and solve the low engine oil pressure issue on a Perkins 1106D engine used in an E360 electric power generation setup, follow the steps below:


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1. Check Oil Pressure Sensor and Wiring

  • Verify the connection of the oil pressure sensor.
  • Look for signs of damage, corrosion, or loose connections in the sensor wiring harness.
  • Use the Perkins EST 2024A diagnostic software to monitor the sensor output in real time.

2. Oil Level and Condition

  • Check the engine’s oil level. If it’s too low, top it up with the correct grade of oil recommended by Perkins.
  • Inspect the oil for any signs of contamination or degradation. Change the oil and filter if required.

3. Mechanical Oil Pressure Check

  • Use a mechanical oil pressure gauge to verify the actual oil pressure. This helps to determine if it’s an issue with the sensor or actual oil pressure.

4. Oil Pump and Oil Galleries

  • Inspect the oil pump for proper function and wear. Replace the pump if it’s not maintaining adequate pressure.
  • Check the oil galleries and passages to ensure they are not blocked or restricted.

5. ECM Check

  • Using the Perkins Communication Adapter 3, connect to the ECM and review any stored diagnostic trouble codes.
  • Ensure that the software is up to date and check if any software parameters, such as “Enable Shutdown,” are active.
  • Review the fault codes (e.g., 100-3 or 100-4) to confirm whether the issue lies with the pressure sensor wiring or the ECM software.

6. Testing the Derate/Shutdown System

  • If the engine derates or shuts down, make sure the system is functioning properly, but also verify the oil pressure before continuing operation.

By following these steps, you can identify the root cause of the low oil pressure issue on your Perkins 1106D engine and resolve it accordingly.